Monday, June 4, 2012

Giz+Obi Fav's...

Gizmo & Obi-Wan have a LOT of likes and dislikes. We will discuss their favorite things. These include (but are not limited to) napping, snacking, more napping, squirrel hunting, long walks, only child treatment, hello I love you! relaxation times, more naps, more snacks, and Perfect Angel meetings. 

When they are happy they will sing what we call their 'morning song' where they bring together a fresh compilation of howling harmony for their fans (i.e. Mommy & Daddy). They also like Rap, Hip Hop, and Obi-Wan in particular enjoys some soft Jazz on road trips (but this gets switched back to some sweet rap lyrics once the baby is asleep ;)

Their favorite shows and movies include The Lion King, Lady & the Tramp, Lady & The Tramp II: Little Scamps Adventure (Gizmo's personal favorite), Cooking channels, Pet TV, Animal Planet, and of course, Arrested Development and Battlestar Galactica.

Gizmo and Obi-Wan are great fans of any story where they are the center of attention. Stories of their great deeds and adventures are always appreciated and welcomed even more with tummy rubs and additional words of encouragement such as "You are the most handsome Shih Tzu in the entire universe and beyond," "Who is such a good boy,?" and their favorite storybook endings of all time "Mommy's making Chicken," & “Daddy hunted Cheeseburger at the grocery store.” 

These are some of the things that please them.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

To Snack or to Nap...

The Boys say both are in order and being that it's a beautiful Sunday morning and I'm in the mood to cook, craft and read, I will happily oblige. So while I am whipping up some foods for us humans, I will also make Gizmo and Obi-Wan one of their favorite meals, Chicken and Veggies with Rice.

Chicken Veggies and Rice Lunch Recipe for your beautiful Shih Tzu:
1.25 c. filtered or spring water for the rice
1 tb. virgin olive oil
1/2 c. organic rice
1/2 c. organic baby carrots
1 medium sized organic potato
1/2 c. organic green peas
1/2 lb or less of natural, free-range chicken

Bring the water for the rice to a boil, add the rice, return to a boil, stir once, reduce to a simmer and cover. While the rice is cooking, chop and cook the chicken and veggies in a tb. of oil on medium heat until the chicken is fully cooked and the vegetables are soft. Cut all of the veggies and chicken into very small bite sized pieces. You can mash the carrots and potato a little with a fork, or blend in a food processor for a sec to make the pieces smaller. Mix with rice, allow to cool completely (always test the temperature of the food and make sure it is cool to touch before serving), and serve. 

While the food is cooking and cooling you will have an excellent opportunity to engage in what we call 'Hello I love you!' time. This is when you tell them how much you love them, how important they are to you, how everyone loves them, how exceptionally handsome they are, and how very smart they are. They are such good boys. The greatest of squirrel hunters! Chicken and Rice is cooking for good boys!

This pleases them...

Your little panda bear will want you to give them a whole cup of cooked lunch each. Do not give your love this much food. Instead give 1/2 cooked food, and remember, do not look into your Shih Tzu eyes at this time or your ability to resist their adorable charm will be nearly impossible.

Do not be fooled. Your Shih Tzu will try by any means necessary to encourage you to give them 'all of the things,' and that most certainly does include any and all foods. 

Do not give your Shih Tzu all of the things. 

Do not look into the eyes of a Shih Tzu while food is being prepared, cooling, or while you are eating. Feed your Shih Tzu after you have eaten your food. Establish this pattern right away and you will be at peace while you eat (more so than if you do not..probably). Your Shih Tzu will immediately, upon coming into your life, attempt to gain complete control over you. We will discuss this in another post Shih Tzu Power, however if you are hungry, do not look into their eyes until you are have eaten and are then ready to fed them. Yes, these are lessons I wish I had followed since their immediate arrival. 

Aren't they just the cutest? Of course the answer is yes.

Despite their known perfection, I personally do not recommend eating food and then not feeding them directly afterwards. This will never result in a happy nap time, and it is considered extremely rude and a great insult to them. Insults do not bode well.

A good rule of thumb to remember is 'A treat keeps your Shih Tzu a little gem.' If you can remember this, you're about a quarter of the way there ;) In the way of a treat, you should only give your little bear healthy natural snacks. Avoid sauces and spices as much as you can as they are very sensitive to these things. One little dumpling and your fuzzy bear could have an allergy attack! They are very small, sensitive dogs. Always feed and treat your Shih Tzu as though they are delicate and sensitive to all things. They are. Shih Tzu are one of the only breed of dogs airlines in many cases refuse to fly due to their temperature sensitivity, among many other factors. They do not like temperatures too hot or too cold. 

Once you have fed your Shih Tzu a nap will be in order. Your fuzzy bear will find a nice spot and nap while digesting. At this time, you will find gentle tummy rubs will encourage a positive nap environment and a happy dog. Be gentle, go slowly, and do not upset tempermental Shih Tzu. Once you have established gentle pettings, they like it when you pet down the middle of their back and they have an opportunity to stretch out and relax fully. Once they have gotten themselves completely comfortable in belly-up nap time mode, they will be pleased with additional tummy rubs and words of encouragement.

Ohh look! They're now up from their nap but ever so groggy. 

Shih Tzu are naturally comprised of a little bit of Panda Bear, part Lion, a dash of Monkey, a pinch of Koala Bear, and a variety of additional adorable characteristics which make up the most unique perfection we refer to today as the Shih Tzu. You will find however their playful and sprite-like personalities will make them in need of something fun to do once they have awoken from their nap. They will quickly spring into  action once fully awake from their nap so be prepared to play!

A walk is the best way to please your Shih Tzu.

Your Shih Tzu will be very eager to explore. 

They will want to tell the squirrels that the trees are their tree!

They will display backside action shots of the cutest little hinies!

Gizmo hears a squirrel again! 
He demands to be taken seriously.

Obi-Wan is a little sprite and tries to eat bark off of trees because, well, he can, and he thinks Mommy is distracted with the camera. Always keep a close eye on your Shih Tzu and do not let them eat bark, leaves or flowers. Many are toxic and even if they aren't, your baby has better food to eat. Obi-Wan will always try, but Mommy and Daddy will ALWAYS catch him immediately. He just wants to see if we're paying attention. We are.

Gizmo encourages a fatty squirrel to come down from the tree so he can eat him (nom nom nom)

Mommy would never allow it however. Have you ever seen baby squirrels? They're adorable! Videos of baby squirrels on Youtube will make your heart melt. We love all animals, despite the tough talk on the street from the boys. 

They do have a certain image to maintain you know :p

Ohh look, here is a perfect example of the 'display of adorableness' your Shih Tzu will show when happy and also ready for another nap. We've ended up at the park and they are tuckered out to the fullest! 

The best way to settle your little bear into a relaxing nap again is with tummy rubs and words of encouragement. Essentially, you will repeat 'Hello I Love You' time and continue this Snack-to-Nap project throughout the day, everyday. 

This pleases them.

Have a fabulous day!
Love Gizmo + Obi-Wan

The Snack-to-Nap Project
Enthusiastically brought to you by Gizmo + Obi-Wan ;)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Born Beautiful

Gizmo and Obi-Wan were born beautiful. We know this because from the moment their first pictures were taken, weeks before they even came to live with us, the photos of their little moo cow baby selves indicated as much. From that moment on, with every loving word, every belly rub, every petting and coo, they have grown more beautiful. Shih Tzu are notorious for wanting all of the attention, no matter what the circumstance,  and will in many cases insist that you give them this attention beginning immediately, and continuing until they decide you may go prepare them a meal. They will let you know when they are in need of a snack, do not worry.

If you are looking for a dog that is the most perfect little angel you will ever need, then a Shih Tzu is most certainly for you. They will love you for all time, and you will love them back just as much. They will be spoiled however as they know how attractive and well behaved they can be, and in turn they expect the very best from you at every opportunity. When you have done a job well done, whether that is having cooked the rice perfectly or having hunted that chicken at the grocery store for dinner, they will show their happiness and all of the hard work will have been worth it. 

Shih Tzu have been breed from the finest of Asian Ancestral lineage and are the closest known descendant of the prehistoric Chinese wolf, the Senji. They are a small breed of dog, known for having impeccable hearing, and were used by the Chinese Emperors along side the Mastiffs to guard the palace gates. The Shih Tzu would hear any sounds of intruders, alerting everyone, and the Mastiffs would defend physically. All Shih Tzu today are known to be the descendants of 9 male and female Shih Tzu surviving in China. It was not until until the 1950's that the Shih Tzu were allowed out of China, considered one of their most prized possessions. Despite their small stature, Shih Tzu should also not be underestimated when it comes to defending themselves, their families and their homes. As with most dogs Shih Tzu have a strong sense of loyalty and with ancient wolf breeds in particular, those inherent characteristics passed down from the oldest of wolves make this breed astounding in almost every aspect, and despite their naturally calm and well behaved persona, they are particularly gifted at sensing whether one is friend or foe. 

Gizmo and Obi-Wan were born in NYC and were the second litter from their parents, the first being their oldest brother, who currently still resides with mom and dad. The second litter brought forth an older brother (who now resides in Montreal), then Gizmo, 2 sisters who are still in NYC (and with family who live near mom and dad), and then our little baby, Obi-Wan. Gizmo does not like it when we discuss their older brothers. He likes to think of himself as the oldest, the Emperor. Obi-Wan does not mind when we call him the baby. In fact, it seems as though he likes it. These boys are particularly small for Shih Tzu, as are their parents I believe, and weigh in around 10.4 lb for Obi-Wan and 12 or under for Gizmo. 

Our boys have a number of super powers. They can nap and snack forever. Do not over feed a Shih Tzu. They will get a buddha belly and then grumble to you about how chubby they are but also beg for a know, energy for the nap. You must love your beautiful friend, and feed them healthy natural foods as much as you can and do not over feed your Shih Tzu. When begging, remind your dog that he/ she is of royal lineage, and will not beg ever again. It is best not to look into the eyes of your Shih Tzu at this time or your heart will melt and you will find you have already given your little love your entire burrito. Do not give that dog your burrito. Do not give your Shih Tzu excessive food, and for the love of God, do not give your Shih Tzu beans. One bean and you will regret it. Their stomachs are not made for beans. Feed them natural organic rice, the best you can find, and organic vegetables. They like chicken and all other meats. This pleases them.

Shih Tzu are also referred to as Little Lions, Chinese Guardian Lions, Chrysanthemum Dogs, and Tibetan Lion Dogs. To sit and pet a Shih tzu brings calm, happiness and enlightenment. If you are granted such a sitting, you will note the positive state of your well being when you are making them their meal afterwards. They are also wonderful companions for keeping you happy. They are sweet little panda bears when they are happy and you are happy. They will make you happy. This is their strongest of powers. 

You will love the Shih Tzu for all time.
This pleases them.

Love Gizmo + Obi-Wan

Gizmo & Obi-Wan

Happy Saturday!

Love Gizmo + Obi-Wan