Friday, July 13, 2012

Handsome Boy Graduates…

They are professional (fuzzy) male models for sure!

                                                              They say "Who us?"

Yes You!

Gizmo and Obi-Wan have quite the ‘To Do’ list for today. They are currently engaged in ‘morning napzie time,’ followed up with a good old fashioned squirrel hunt in the backyard. They will be happily surprised to find Mommy also fitting in a little morning walk as well.

This will please them.

Then we move onto lunch time.  They are having Rice and Green Peas with Salmon and Chicken Broth. They had this for lunch yesterday so we know they already like it. If it has Salmon in it Obi-Wan will eat it right away. If no Salmon, Obi-Wan will wait until extra Chicken Broth has been poured over the Rice and Peas before he eats his lunch. I know right? Bless his little heart! You know how it is, baby wants what baby wants.

Gizmo will eat his lunch without Chicken Broth on top but of course, Mommy and Daddy try to be equal as much as we can and if little bear is going to have his lunch sprinkled with Chicken Broth, big brother’s lunch will too! Gizmo always appreciates the attention.

Nothing helps a Shih Tzu gain a quality nap like having their meal prepared for them. Don’t fret, they will know when it is ready for them to eat. They will not sleep through it.

Lunch time!

This pleases them.

And then after lunch they will engage in a post-lunch backyard security check to make sure the grounds are secure. The ‘grounds’ extend to any place they can see visually. Their dominance and protection begins first with themselves-then brother-then Mommy and Daddy-then House-then Yard-then Neighborhood-then ANYWHERE they can see. Is the house secure? Check! Is the yard secure? Check! Is there a dog walking on their block? Yes! NO CHECK! Establish Shih Tzu dominance control!!!

This pleases them.

You should be lucky to have a Shih Tsu in your life. They have hearts of pure gold, a sweetness none can rival, and if you have some extra space in your bed then they will gladly fill that space and then a little bit extra on each side so you feel as though they are always there for you (to pet).

Nap Time!

We’re having more modeling time this afternoon. The boys just needed a little break. It’s not easy being this gorgeous you know…

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